What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?

I acutely felt the depth of this line from a popular song by Laura Story. My sister and I were in the airport waiting for our flight for a family vacation. I was working far from home so it had been awhile since we last saw each other. 

Upon checking in however, the airline discovered that her passport was near the expiry date hence she wasn’t allowed to board the plane. She was offloaded. We tried to talk to the airline staff, soliciting their advice, asking if we could possibly rebook her or have the ticket refunded but time was running out and the last two options were way too expensive. 

I didn’t know what to make of it. I didn’t know if I should be livid with rage for her costly and seemingly inane oversight or … just bear it. I actually cried out of frustration. But I knew I couldn’t go with a heart full of grudge or other negative emotions for that matter. So we prayed…right there in the airport. I prayed for peace. I prayed for wisdom. I prayed for a heart to forgive. And it was hard but we had to part ways.

 I contemplated in silence onboard the seemingly cavernous plane. It also helped a lot that I had the whole aisle in the last row to myself. It was like God purposefully placed me there to have a personal place to think and talk to Him. And with my worn Bible in the plane’s stow table, I did. He made me realize: 

.... how sad heaven would be without the ones we loved. That while we have the chance, we should share the joy, the blessing, and the love of Jesus Christ to them. 

... that you can not prepare yourself for His coming, through your own efforts. We had our bags packed, our passports and tickets ready, even our itinerary was already planned. But just like half of the ten virgins in the parable in Matthew 25, our oil could be lacking and our lamps without light. Only the “oil” or the Holy Spirit, can prepare us for His coming. 

... that we maybe “orphans” in a sense that at some point in our lives, we will be left to ourselves but then this is the time for us to lean on Him who promised that He will not leave us orphans and will never leave us nor forsake us.

... that my Father is preparing a home for me more beautiful and even beyond the most gorgeous mental pictures of Eden I could possibly conjure.

And I was comforted. He had wiped my tears albeit temporarily, in my transitory home. I took a breath as I got off the plane. And smiled, knowing that I am not alone. 


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