She Just Turned 26! What Happens Next Is Unbelievable!
Disclaimer: Title not meant to bait you into reading this entry. Just genuinely and unapologetically find it funny. Hey, its my birthday. Allow me some liberties. :D
Twenty six. Transition phase. Its that comfortable phase between late twenties and early twenties. Not too adultish yet (definitely) not in my teens either.
It has been a roller coaster of a birth year ride for me. Although one thing has been constant: God's unfailing, unflinching, unconditional love.
My nature, bent to sinning, has ofttimes been at odds with what I have professed. Yet He has been patient and forgiving.
My nature, bent to sinning, has ofttimes been at odds with what I have professed. Yet He has been patient and forgiving.
I have tired of loving, been disheartened, sobbed disconsolately yet He has renewed my strength and fed my soul.
The talents given, not fully utilized and developed. Forgive me for the time wasted dear Lord. No one to blame but me. It is a choice. And sadly, trivialities most often won.
I have vacillated. Waned. Crumbled in my resolutions. Was inconsistent. A powerful and humbling reminder that the flesh is weak. Unless the flesh leans on the strong arm of the Divine.
Lost my TNF Terra. It happened (unsurprisingly) after a spiritual high. "Set your affection on things above, not on things of the earth."
I am thankful for the new friendships formed. It was on this same date, last year that we went off riding into the moonlight, in motorbikes, under the gentle, silver shadows of its reflected rays. 1st Youth Equipping Camp.
I am thankful for the new friendships formed. It was on this same date, last year that we went off riding into the moonlight, in motorbikes, under the gentle, silver shadows of its reflected rays. 1st Youth Equipping Camp.
Thankful for old friends. 'Nuf said.
I am thankful for two new foreign lands in between! No fanfare, toots and hoots. Me and my love affair with travel, as long as God permits, will be enduring. Ho Chi Minh and Bangkok with good company were good for the soul.
I am thankful for home. Iloilo. Kalibo. Banga. Barotac Viejo. Manila. Singapore (?) It is where love is. Where I first felt, saw, tasted, learned how to love. Gently prodded to let go of selfishness. Less of me, and more of Thee and Thy children, Lord.
I am thankful for the lessons learned. For the continuous process of weeding out of undesirable traits. Experience is a wise teacher, learning from others still wiser, and abiding by the principles set in God's words the wisest.
For my job. It takes commitment to wake up each day and stick to each other for 5 years. I guess i have what it takes. *winks* For paid leaves. Allowed vacations. For variety. For different personalities.
For mentors and the joy of mentoring.
I am thankful for learning the joy of getting behind the wheel... it is calming and soothing after a long day's work... Albeit a lil bit lonely sometimes. Inside the dark, cavernous, interior of beat up blink.
Thankful for family. Like a warm hearth in the coolness of snowy winter. Like lying down on the softest ,plushest bed on an exhausting day. Like piping, creamy, mushroom soup when you're sick. Love tank filled again.
I am thankful for the affirmation that singleness is a gift, not a passing phase, but a time meant to be enjoyed in the best company you can ever have. For the moments of solitude. The therapeutic lulls.
New perspectives. It is easy to look down (inwardly) with your invisible pince-nez perched on your nose, hand out (sometimes cram it down their throats) advices and expect that all will be well with them. With that proverbial pat on the back. And the stern look. No, thank you, will most likely be their reply. It its easy to get lost in your own world. Hard to enter, understand, listen silently, pray hard for one alien to you. Because there is a battle ongoing, a battle for souls. And we have a role to play in it.
For the Sabbath. Because not only is it divinely ordained, set apart, and sanctified (Genesis 2:2,3), it is most needed in this busy world. Our bodies are not machines. And a regular day of rest from everyday preoccupations can make us more productive than not.
For my faith. Being a Seventh Day Adventist has taught me to take care of my God given body, choose and enjoy wholesome recreation, cultivate healthy relationships, and be satisfied in the thought that I serve a living, loving God.
Lighter side
A momentous year to sport a pancit canton hairstyle on impulse. Jury is still divided on this one. Personally? The convenience of having to comb it once a day somehow offsets the awry direction/s of le curls.
A momentous year to sport a pancit canton hairstyle on impulse. Jury is still divided on this one. Personally? The convenience of having to comb it once a day somehow offsets the awry direction/s of le curls.
My delayed gratification drama. April ..April .. when I could have had it earlier had I opted to. Think Amazon. Haha
#followmeto fiasco. Many were intrigued not so much by the places the shots were taken but by "whose hand are you holding?". Would have wanted it to remain a mystery but even my mother was concerned. lol. The cat's out of the bag. Twas my bff Romeo's. :)
Learning how to drive a motorcycle. Wobbling, falling on the sidewalk. Nary a scar. Truly learning to drive manual. My Apologies to the Nawasa pipe, concrete wall, traffic sign, and hassled drivers *grins*
Ending this with a poem for the times of dissatisfaction, discontentment, or disquietude:
"My child, I died for thee.
And if the gift of love and life
You took from Me,
Shall I one precious thing withhold-
One beautiful and bright,
One pure and precious thing withhold?
My child, it cannot." -Elizabeth Alden Scott
And if the gift of love and life
You took from Me,
Shall I one precious thing withhold-
One beautiful and bright,
One pure and precious thing withhold?
My child, it cannot." -Elizabeth Alden Scott
In His wisdom, the ups, downs were allowed to purify, sanctify, make me whole in Him. On my birthdate, I give back all the glory and honor to my Maker, for the gift of life, of being, for everything. Happy birthday juvenile looking creature looking back at me! :D
*style of writing heavily influenced by my choice of author at the moment which would be Elisabeth Elliot.
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