“I should never be left alone with my mind for too long.” ―Libba Bray

The mind is a tricky business. One of my favourite authors, Ellen G. White, has written extensively on this subject. While the quote can be construed from oh so many angles, and colors, and shapes, it resonates a truth for all of us. Most, if not all our actions, were conceived in the mind. It might be on impulse, or premeditated, or out of necessity, or by sheer will precipitated by the mind.

 The medical world would probably tell me that even our involuntary responses are somehow connected to our neurons. 

It’s where the battle ground of whether or not to SIN starts. 

On a lighter note, Ms. Libba Bray, an author, is definitely not alone on her theses. Pun intended. Leave me with my mind for too long and there will be background music to my daydreams of winning the lottery, or having superpowers, or meeting my Prince Charming while I’m walking from school to home. Totally inane but it gets the point across and it has happened to me. Our minds can definitely run in whatever direction if we allow it to.

So I'm ending this with the admonition to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5. Taking captive is an intentional, physical process of guarding our minds daily, from the absurd, unlawful, graphic, useless things that may incite us to contemplate or do acts that are not good. May we do so. :)


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