When Things Don't Go As Planned (Summer Happenings)

Because its been a while since I last wrote her. And its supposedly summer. So I am supposedly not busy. Note the word "supposedly."

My delayed gratification drama has been delayed further. It's May now and IT's still not in sight. Thankful for a good friend though who offered a free Kaspersky key. Yay!

I cracked the screen of my smartphone rendering it braindead. It is still alive but it just won't respond to my touches. So I have no access to my Sabbath School Quarterly, EGW Folio and yes Facebook and Instagram. As well as to my beloved Evernote, cases, pictures and videos. Am back to appreciating the physical feel of books and (trying) to spend less time on social media. Miss chatting with my sister and besties though. Thank you for the BB I'm currently using. It's not touchscreen but it gets the job done. 

I totally forgot that I have 40 cases to digest. Like there was no deliberate attempt to shove it in the hidden recesses of my gray matter, I apologetically forgot about it! Thankfully, my classmate reminded me. Barely two weeks left of summer with work travels, an exam, and other responsibilities.

I have committed other misdeeds (sins) that I want blotted from my (poor) memory. But yes, it is a reminder that "never can we safely put confidence in self or feel, this side of heaven, that we are secure against temptation... our only safety is in constant distrust of self, and dependence on Christ."

We were able to spend a wonderful Sabbath weekend with babes in faith from Dapdap, Aklan. Seeing the young people mentoring the young people from that place just touched me deeply. I was teary eyed deep inside. The big difference from last year to this year was really miraculous! Just shows how the Holy Spirit can really change hearts and I am only a weak, mortal instrument. The mentees were now mentors. Praise God! The weekend was totally unplanned. I really wanted to go home because a dear sister from Mindanao was visiting and our youth group there had an informal reunion. But God worked in my heart and asked me gently where I would be more useful. Sooo, stayed I did. And regret, I did not. :)

Last April, Jaro Adventist Center also celebrated its 100th year of existence. A hundred years closer to His coming! So blessed to be a part of this church family. The very church used by God to nurture me especially in areas of leadership and speaking skills. I remember when I was in college and was elected as the head of the Dorcas Society. It was a daunting responsibility juggling school, work, extracurricular activities but I couldn't say no. It was a joy to serve through that department and also have a knowledge of my weakness, and uselessness apart from the God who moved the hearts of the brethren to give especially for our back to school program wherein we gave school supplies to 100 school kids.

I was blessed for the chance to attend a medical missionary training at Guimaras two weeks ago. On that particular day, the uses of local herbs and the wonders of virgin coconut oil was especially highlighted. The food there also encouraged to make changes in my own food choices/preparation. So yes, right now, included in my menu are raw foods, particularly fruits, less to no frying, vegetables and lots of smoothies without any artificial sweeteners! The goal is not to lose weight of course, but to "eat, drink... for the glory of God." (hhmmmm exercise)

Anyhow, thank you Lord for the gift of summer! :D


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