Not-So-Secret Secret to Abundance

As my faith is inextricably linked to every aspect of my being and yes that includes my finances, I have to let you in on a little secret. I’m not wealthy in terms of worldly riches but I am happy and contented. You can safely say I am living THE ABUNDANT LIFE. To give you a more concrete picture, I travel regularly. I’ve been to eight countries outside the Philippines to date. I’ve been around Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao as well. (That might be the reason why you’re in debt! You might be thinking.) Nope. I can’t say I’m in the red because I still have a positive net worth. (Assets minus liabilities).

 I’m a rank and file employee. I don’t have generous extra allowances. My parents are not filthy rich. I don’t have a millionaire sibling or spouse. I pay around P 15,000 in taxes annually (go figure my tax bracket, you tax geniuses), so you can figure out that I don’t earn a lot. I’m in law school. So that’s an additional P 35,000-50,000 yearly. (Yelps in pain). I have no other source of income except for my wages and the (occasional professional fees). 

So far there has been a lot of “I’s” when the secret has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Him. It’s actually in Malachi 3:10:

“Bring all the TITHES into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now says the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be ROOM ENOUGH to receive it.”

There you have it. The secret to true wealth. I’m not talking about just financial wealth. The holistic kind of wealth, in all areas of your life, from your family, career, friends and other relationships. It can impact your decision making, your health, your attitude, your outlook in life and yes, even your wealth! But let this not be about becoming rich in terms of money. Because if you look closely at that passage and see that, then you’ve missed the point. You give back what is actually already His as the Psalmist says “ALL THINGS come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee.”

When we give tithe or ten percent, it just brings things to the right perspective. It makes us realize that:
1.       We don’t OWN anything in this world.
2.       We are merely channels through which His blessings can pour out to others.
3.       We should be good stewards of property that isn’t ours rightfully.
4.       The glory belongs to Him alone.

Also, with the right motivation, it should cure us of our selfishness and teach us to be humble. The primary purpose of tithing is to help spread the gospel. To provide the “meat in His house” that the poor, hungry, destitute, widowed, fatherless, and defenseless may be given their due and see, hear, and feel the love of Christ through us. The blessings that will follow will be overflowing. But because He taught us the joy of giving, it should just flow out again to those in need.

"But this isn’t enforced in our religion?! Should I still tithe?" Nor is it ENFORCED in ours.* It is encouraged but it is not a mandatory contribution subject to punitive measures if disobeyed. God loves a cheerful giver and this should be given out of love for Him. If it is out of duty, just pray that God will put the love in your heart because our emotions usually do follow our actions.

Personally, I tithe because my parents taught us to. And of course, I got to know its Biblical basis later on. I sometimes am still blown away in fact by the fact that I’ve been to many places without having a lot! And I am an employee as such. Praise God alone! I know people who are volunteers (regular pay: nada) but have been to more places than I’ve been to and own really nice stuff. Our Father is rich, in fact, He OWNS everything.

"But I have bills to pay, rents/monthly payments to meet, mouths to feed? How can I survive minus the 10 percent?" The answer is in the not-so-secret secret itself actually: PROVE HIM NOW. Just put Him first. It may not be in the form of money, but God’s promises are sure. He will OPEN THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN for you.

*If you are convicted to tithe, just make sure that your money will be used as means in spreading the gospel to all kindreds, tongue, and people. 


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