A Series of Unfortunate Events

(This is a funny yet deep story which happened around three years ago...)

Church just finished for the day. They were happily planning for the pastor's birthday bash at a nearby province. I was going to drop off my laundry and as was customary, some of the youth hitched a ride with me. We were chatting about their plans for the next day. I wasn't to be persuaded, I've made a vow of being cloistered for this semester. (lol). I dropped off my laundry and we were on the way to their house. My phone suddenly rang.

Mistake No. 1. I answered the call while I was driving. It was a brief conversation. But it was enough to distract me off the road. There was a tricycle nearby and we were near collision course in the intersection. But the accident was averted because I put the brakes on just in time. And dropped the phone as well.

Mistake No. 2. I insisted that I was in the right. Both mentally arguing with myself and saying it loud to my passengers. They didn't admonish me yet they didn't agree with me either. I was making all kinds of excuses that I was discriminated just because I was a female driver, and everybody expected me to always give way, and that I was somehow inferior to most. blah blah blah

Mistake No. 3. The driver actually followed us to our stop. Maybe he was scared, angry, or a combination of both. He got off his tricycle and proceeded to tell how we almost bumped. I just glanced at him but barely even acknowledged his presence. I was huffing and puffing inside as well. And I was on the phone, continuing the abruptly ended call. He was probably expecting me to say sorry. But I didn't. The prideful me. I was itching to get in an argument with him but the Holy Spirit was stilling me.

As he drove away, shaking his head in disgust, I couldn't help but feel pricks in my conscience.  It was as if the Holy Spirit was gently telling me that I was prideful and what I did was wrong. I showed selfishness towards the driver and the example I had shown. Just early this morning I talked about perfect peace. About trusting God meant not worrying and not blowing our tempers. And here I was, with the day barely ending, letting my sinful nature control me.

 If pride and selfishness were laid aside, five minutes would remove most difficulties. Angels have been grieved and God displeased by the hours which have been spent in justifying self. I saw that God will not bow down and listen to long justifications, and He does not want His servants to do so,...EW

Many have unsubdued, unhumbled hearts, and think more of their own little grievances and trials than of the souls of sinners. If they had the glory of God in view, they would feel for perishing souls around them; and as they realized their perilous situation, would take hold with energy, exercising faith in God, and hold up the hands of His servants, that they might boldly, yet in love, declare the truth and warn souls to lay hold upon it before the sweet voice of mercy should die away.

The right thing would have been to apologize and make amends with the poor driver who was also just venting out his frustrations at the near miss. But I did not do that. "Woe is me" indeed!

Situations such as these are character building opportunities if handled the godly way and are corollarily, a source of self defeat if otherwise. I know God wants me to be un-impatient. Because I totally am. I'm the typical choleric, type A personality modern psychology describes. I don't want to stay that way and I know only can change me to be more like Him.

Calm self reflection and bullet prayers should have and should precede our every action.

Let not the series of unfortunate events in our lives have an unhappy ending. May we allow God to take our pride away and use such events for His glory. :)


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